Friday, May 20, 2011

A Week of Public Radio...

...and I have managed to not only wake up at 2:30 in the a.m. every morning, but have managed to not fall asleep in the middle of it all!

Whoa...WITF has been quite the experience for me the past few weeks, culminating in my sitting in for Tim Lambert on "Morning Edition" for five straight days.  On the whole I think I did pretty damn well, under the circumstances.  That said, I have also learned how the "team" really works well together.

Someone told me that it sounded like I'd written all the news copy, by how I voiced it.  I didn't!  Nearly all of that was written by the team, apart from some stories that did not have sound, things that came over the wires during the night.  The real legwork was done by WITF's News Dept., and I can't thank them enough for all the help they gave me.

Really, I just hosted the show and played frontman.  I am the #2, now that the new man will take over later this month.  I also got the shot, because Tim is away.  

I feel pretty good about it, and I proved I could handle it.  Had to prove it to myself, though; that's the hard part.  

Now it's back to weekend work for the Radio PA Network side of the cubicle city, and sports.  I'm still doing some verrrrry early mornings next week, as my RPA boss, Rick Becker is going to take needed time off.  Away we go again, and I'll be getting up even earlier than before on those days!

Things have worked pretty well; got to see Alice a couple of times this week, even with her crazy schedule, and that's going wonderfully well.  I feel quite chuffed to have the situation I do, can't complain.

Back to the Office now, and a little while before I have to think about what is next.

Sofia is much better...her stomach seems to have calmed down, and I need to do a bit of maintenance for her, change of diet and some other stuff.  All good.  Least I can do for her.

Need to figure out what comes much I gotta get organized.  Isn't that always it?

Now..."Silk Road Days," this latest long exposition of fiction writing I'm into is longer than I thought, and it keeps on growing.  Got to figure out how to hammer it into a form that works.  It's really not bad, but there's going to need to be a lot more detail, incidents, etc.  It's going to take time.

But I have it's all good.

The sun is out!  It's finally out!  Wow!  After all that rain, I'm happy to know it didn't forget us.  Must get moving...

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